Unit 5

The recorder is the first musical instrument that many students learn. 直笛是很多學生學的第一項樂器。

You can play many songs on a recorder. 你可以用直笛吹奏很多歌曲。

The teachers correct the students' work.老師改同學的作業。

They use a red pen to correct the students' work. 他們使用紅筆來改學生的作業。

The students watch a video in class.學生在課堂上觀看影片。

They pay attention to the video.他們都很專心地看影片。

The children are jumping, sliding, and climbing at the playground.小朋友在遊樂場上跳躍、溜滑梯和爬上爬下。

The children are enjoying playing at the playground with their friends.小朋友喜歡和朋友在遊樂場玩耍。

The students are in Chinese class.  同學們正在上國語課。

They learn Chinese idioms in Chinese class.  他們在國語課學習中文的成語、詞語。

The students sing the song in class.學生們在課堂上唱歌。

The students sing along in class to the music.學生們在課堂上跟著音樂唱歌。

The students are attentively engaged in their music lesson.學生們全神貫注地學習音樂課。

They use various instruments like tambourines and clappers to make music. 他們使用手鼓和拍板等各種樂器來創作音樂。

The teacher shows the QR code on the screen.老師將螢幕上的QR code圖碼秀給大家掃描。

The students scan the QR code to join the game. 學生們掃QR code圖碼加入線上遊戲。